Board Games and It’s Insights!

virisha technologies
2 min readJun 25, 2021


The board game industry is bigger than many people realize, its global market is worth several billion dollars and is expected to grow by 17% in 2023. There are numerous different board games available in the market, ranging widely in genre and complexity.

Board games through advanced technology that we possess in our modern age are becoming increasingly popular and an increasing number of game developers are using the latest technology to enhance players’ experiences in their apps and products as well.

Whenever we talk about board games, we tend to think of them as physical and analogue products. But today Board games are being distributed to people in the form of Apps, which is one of the most popular ways technology is being integrated into the industry.

Many of you may think that there is something that feels unsettling about the electronic versions of board games. There are good reasons for it too. One of it is they simply lose the tactile enjoyment of the physical game, true, but they also make the experience accessible to more people. They can provide tutorials for the players, and also allow users to play alone, or play with friends remotely when otherwise they wouldn’t be able to gather physically to play a game. Another advantage is the option to save a long game and come back later. This is something that’s much harder to do with a physical setup. I am sure you will all agree to that.

Anyway, Board games, physical or electronic, are a lot of fun and are always considered the best social games of all the game genres available.

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virisha technologies

Virisha Founded in 2020, Virisha technologies is a tech-enabled online skilled based gaming start up.